Sorry to say I'll be unable to follow system selections fully and therefore I'm stopping following them and posting them on my blog has it would only show an untrue and unfair view of the system. The main reason is that I'm going to be unable to be at the computer at the time required each day to place the selections (which is usually around 12am till 1pm). I'm still just about able to place my other horse racing bets early in the morning. Will be even more difficult in Septmeber when I'm back at University in which cases I've sometimes got to miss out on certain bets which is obviously not ideal. Id like to thank Andrew for giving me the opportunity to follow his selections and I do highly recommend his system, it never really hit full potential whilst I followed it but the past results are clear to see on his website.
My blog will continue, the football season is just around the corner and I'll be posting my Premiership selections up on here just like last season. Meanwhile I may post a few update son my Big Brother betting process, more on that later. Also July update to come soon, it has been a very good month thus far.
Bet365 Chief Exec Pays Herself £199m
2 months ago